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15 Secrets to Beat Morning Sickness You Cannot Afford to Miss

15 Secrets to Beat Morning Sickness


Hello Mamas! Today I am going to help you with morning sickness. Or you just want to be prepared just in case its creepy head shows up. In this post, you’ll get real, actionable steps to confidently lessen the effects on nausea and vomiting during your pregnancy.


Because this is not a highly critical problem; I will attempt to help you with some of the things I did to beat morning sickness. I hope these secrets really help you to feel much better.



Table Of Contents

What is morning sickness?

What are the symptoms of morning sickness?

The foods you used to like you suddenly begin to hate!

Here’s why it is important to know these secrets and why you should not ignore the symptoms of morning sickness

Why it is important to Know the secrets why you should not ignore the symptoms of morning sickness

Misconceptions about Morning Sickness

Myth # 1.You should eat for two when you are pregnant

During her first trimester, a woman does not eat for two, according to medicine. Because weight gain is recommended to be between 1 and 4 pounds in this early period of pregnancy, women are advised to keep their calorie needs approximately the same as they were before pregnancy for the first three months.

In the second trimester, doctors recommend that pregnant women increase their calorie intake by 200 calories, and during the third trimester, when the baby is growing rapidly, they should increase it by 300 calories.

Myth # 2. You're just sick in the mornings.

The term is deceptive, and it may come as a surprise to learn that morning sickness can attack at any time of day (or night!). Unfortunately, some people experience it throughout the day like I did.

Myth# 3 You are physically ill

Morning sickness is a normal occurrence during pregnancy with varying degrees. So everyone is different in this aspect.

Myth # 4. Eating crackers will help everyone

Myth # 5. It only comes in the morning

15 Secrets to Beat Morning Sickness You Cannot Afford to Miss

Secret # 1.Take a break with rest or sleep when needed

Secret # 2.Avoid bad odors in the home

Secret # 3.Take your time to eat

Secret # 4.Find something to do

Secret # 5.Drink enough fluids

Additionally, You can also try some teas. My favorites were green and lemon tea

Secret # 6- Step 2.Get out of bed slowly in the mornings

Secret # 7.Smell a good fragrance!

Secret # 8.Cleaning your mouth helps

Secret # 9.How about your must-haves for morning sickness?

Secret # 10. Try some deep breathing exercises

Secret # 11. Take a nice bath

Secret # 12.Manage your stress

Secret # 13.Eat whatever you feel like eating

Secret # 14. Use Acupuncture Waistbands

Secret # 15. Add prayer with faith to this amazing list

The Last Thing You Need to Know about Morning Sickness




Well let's get started.

Before we get into the 15 secrets to beat morning sickness, I want to discuss morning sickness just a little :


What is morning sickness?


Nausea and vomiting in pregnancy, also known as morning sickness, are extremely common in the first trimester.

It can strike at any time of day or night, and you may feel ill all day. Oh by the way I actually experienced morning sickness all day. Yea I know, I was tortured!!! The worst feeling ever!

Morning sickness is unpleasant and can have a major impact on your daily life.


There were times when I just could only do the minimal ; if you know what I mean. At times it felt like my body crashed. I could not make myself a cup of tea. Thank God for a wonderful hubby who took good care of me.


Nevertheless, it usually clears up by week 16 to 20 of your pregnancy and poses no risk to your baby. However morning sickness can happen at anytime during the day.


The reason why I am writing this post is because I have experienced morning sickness with my four girl pregnancies.



What are the symptoms of morning sickness?

Morning sickness is characterized by the following symptoms:

A nauseous, parenteral nutrition



 It is important to note that several women who have complete hydatidiform molar pregnancies with no fetus also have significant nausea and vomiting, indicating that placental factors, particularly HCG, are to blame. 


Women with higher HCG levels, such as those with multiple gestations, hydatidiform moles, or Down syndrome fetuses, are at a higher risk of experiencing morning sickness.

So getting checked by your care provider is important for these obvious reasons. Other complications include:


  • Deficiencies in electrolytes
  • Anxiety and despair at their worst
  • The fetus is malnourished.
  • Overworked essential organs, such as the liver, heart, kidneys, and brain.

As you can see these are very serious complications.



Why it is important to Know the secrets why you should not ignore the symptoms of morning sickness


Did you know morning sickness does not harm your baby if it is caught in time? When I was pregnant with my first baby I thought it could. However, if you are unable to keep foods or liquids down and are beginning to lose weight, you should consult a doctor PROMPTO!


Additionally, there is a chance of developing hyperemesis gravidarum, a severe form of pregnancy sickness. This can be dangerous, and there's a chance you won't get enough fluids in your body (dehydration) or nutrients from your diet (malnourishment). You may require specialized care, possibly in a hospitalization, rehydration therapy, and parenteral nutrition




 It is important to note that several women who have complete hydatidiform molar pregnancies with no fetus also have significant nausea and vomiting, indicating that placental factors, particularly HCG, are to blame. 


Women with higher HCG levels, such as those with multiple gestations, hydatidiform moles, or Down syndrome fetuses, are at a higher risk of experiencing morning sickness.

So getting checked is important for these obvious reasons. Other complications include:


  • Deficiencies in electrolytes
  • Anxiety and despair at their worst
  • The fetus is malnourished.
  • Overworked essential organs, such as the liver, heart, kidneys, and brain.

As you can see these are very serious complications.



Misconceptions about Morning Sickness


There have been many misconceptions about morning sickness that you probably have heard before. Some of them include:

Myth # 1.You should eat for two when you are pregnant

  • When people say a pregnant woman should "eat for two," they don't necessarily mean she should eat twice as much or ingest twice as many calories.

During her first trimester, a woman does not eat for two, according to medicine. Because weight gain is recommended to be between 1 and 4 pounds in this early period of pregnancy, women are advised to keep their calorie needs approximately the same as they were before pregnancy for the first three months.


In the second trimester, doctors recommend that pregnant women increase their calorie intake by 200 calories, and during the third trimester, when the baby is growing rapidly, they should increase it by 300 calories.

2. You're just sick in the mornings.

The term is deceptive, and it may come as a surprise to learn that morning sickness can attack at any time of day (or night!). Unfortunately, some people experience it throughout the day like I did. 

 Myth# 3 You are physically ill 

Morning sickness is a normal occurrence during pregnancy with varying degrees. So everyone is different in this aspect.

Myth # 4. Eating crackers will help everyone

Absolutely no! Eating crackers did not really help me but it may help you. 

Not really true what I found out was it did not work for me in all of my pregnancies. Only some things what worked for others will work for you.

Myth # 5. It only comes in the morning

Wrong! I had it in the morning and evenings, but I must admit it was most of my mornings


15 Secrets to Beat Morning Sickness You Cannot Afford to Miss

Secret # 1.Take a break with rest or sleep when needed

Sometimes the simplest solution is the best. This is what I did sometimes and I felt so much better after only 10 minutes. Seize this opportunity to step away and lie down if you are in a position to do so. Many of you might be still working and even have young kids who needs your attention. I know it can be rough because I have been there with four kids. 

You can find different ways to get some rest. Asking close relatives and friends to assist is also an option. When you do not get the rest you need, you can become irritable and bitter.

Secret # 2.Avoid bad odors in the home

Speak up about any unpleasant odors in your home with your partner, children, and friends. That way, they'll understand your point of view.

Contact your care provider. If you're constantly sick and can't seem to keep anything down, it's time to see your doctor. Morning sickness can be severe for some women. Your doctor may be able to assist you in determining

Secret # 3.Take your time to eat

Slowly consume something. Having an empty stomach can often aggravate morning sickness. This is true whenever I allowed myself to get hungry the symptoms became worse. Do not wait to get hungry. So, if you're feeling brave, try to eat something small. Crunchy carb-rich snacks like pretzels, cereal, and crackers work best in general. Toast bread and bananas worked wonders for me.


Secret # 4.Find something to do

 When you’re feeling ill, try to find something that requires little thought but can take your mind away from your morning sickness. Read the newspaper or a book, watch an exciting documentary or movie, do a crossword puzzle, or maybe tackle some of those work emails. There are so many things you can be creative and do just to take your mind off it. For me browsing my favorite youtube channels were my go tos.

Secret # 5.Drink enough fluids

Keep your liquids high. It can be difficult when your stomach refuses to cooperate, but it is critical that you drink when you are thirsty and never get thirsty. The more dehydrated you are, the more nauseated you will feel AND EVENTUALLY VOMIT!! So keep those fluids going. 

Did you know you can add lemon, ginger, or peppermint to your water? 

Additionally, You can also try some teas. My favorites were green and lemon tea

One of the best ways to curb nausea and vomiting. If you’re hoping to relieve nausea quickly and naturally, tea can help. Herbal teas are nothing new. They have been used to treat nausea for decades. Today, we’ll be discussing the best teas for all types of nausea. Can you take a guess? Here we go.....

Aside from staying hydrated, adding a dash of lemon or peppermint to your water can help settle your stomach. I had a client who said she could not drink water. Mamas it is ok to drink quality liquids that would nourish your little star. I loved lemonade and vita malt .

Secret # 6- Step 2.Get out of bed slowly in the mornings

What I discovered was in my first pregnancy I jumped out of my bed too quickly in the mornings. After researching , I learned I should first sit on the bed for about 10 -15 seconds with my feet to the ground, get up slowly and then go to the restroom. After doing this, things got a little better. This gives the body the opportunity to transfer some blood and oxygen to the brain reducing the chances for dizziness which could lead to nausea.

Secret # 7.Smell a good fragrance!

Smell something new. Morning sickness is frequently associated with odors. When you can't get away for some fresh air, enjoy the smell of something fresh and clean that won't aggravate your nausea. I liked the smell of fabric softener. It was nice to apply a double portion of the laundry to some of my bedding.

Secret # 8.Cleaning your mouth helps

You should brush your teeth by all means. Brush your teeth if you're feeling sick after using the restroom. Getting the bad tastes out of your mouth can make you feel better. Keeping your mouth clean and fresh prevents your your saliva from tasting bad.

Secret # 9.How about your must-haves for morning sickness?

Carry your morning sickness essentials. A travel toothbrush, toothpaste, mouthwash, gum, or mints are examples of such items. It's not a bad idea to include some ginger ale and saltine crackers as well. Here you can find some treatments to help relieve and prevent nausea and vomiting.

Secret # 10. Try some deep breathing exercises

Even a few minutes of deep breathing and rest can help you recharge because more blood and oxygen to the brain, helping you to relax.

Secret # 11. Take a nice bath

This can make a big difference in your mental health. I know after a good bath I usually felt so much better. You can spice it up with these quality additives everyone is talking about!

12.Manage your stress

Don't run away from your stress but I encourage you to manage it by all means. I know life can be hard sometimes but you must do what you can to take control of your life. And know that God is always there for you. Talk to Him about everything.

Secret # 13.Eat whatever you feel like eating

Eat whatever foods you can tolerate while your stomach's upset. When you feel better later, concentrate on making your meals more well-rounded. This one is a good reminder for you . It worked for me. I noticed most of the time it worked.

Try eating what you want. I mean sometimes I would want some cracked conch. This is some well seasoned fried conch. It's deeeeelicious.

14. Use Acupuncture Waistbands

Acupressure with wristbands and treatment with ginger or a vitamin B6 supplement are among the complementary and alternative therapies being researched for morning sickness. Consult your doctor to determine which therapies are best for you. I have never tried these , but my clients claim that they are great and they would buy them again.

Secret # 15. Add prayer with faith to this amazing list

This is what I did. After taking this issue to God in prayer I found that He allowed me to overcome the terrible symptoms of morning sickness. God told us in Philippians 4:6 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving make your requests known to God and the peace of God.

7: And the peace of God which passeth all understanding will keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Prayer to God changes everything.

The Last Thing You Need to Know about Morning Sickness


We have come to the end of this presentation. I hope you enjoyed it and also learned something. Morning sickness although very common in the majority of pregnant women, can be managed to some degree. Isn't that good news? I hope I have given you many remedies that could give you some comfort.

It is my hope that your pregnancy is going well with minimum or no symptoms. This is the # 1 midwife encouraging you to stay strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Pray about everything. Thank you for showing up today. Please like , comment, or ask a question if you wish and see ya again soon.

Let me know which secret was your favorite and how it worked for you. We are a community here and want to help each other and I love your feedback. So until next time take care and don’t forget to to get your freebies @

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