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Scale Fluency - Pentatonics


Dobro Tuning (GBDGBD) Chords, Arpeggios, and Scales Guide


The Picking Solution


Hacking the CAGED System - Diatonic Harmony


Break into the Melodic Minor Scale


Scale Fluency - Major Scale Modes


Scale Fluency - Harmonic Minor Modes


Woodshedder's Guide to Guitar Scales


Scale Fluency - Melodic Minor Modes


Alternative Pentatonics


Major Scale Modes Designed for the Guitar


Scales, Arpeggios, and Chords for the Minimalist Guitarist


Beyond Pentatonics


25 Guitar Scale Hacks


Fourths Tuning - Chords and Inversions


About Me

Compulsive blogger and eBook writer on all things learning guitar.