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7 Things To Do When You Feel Lost in Life
For many, being lost gives the strong feeling of what the Buddhists refer to as the feeling of not belonging - living life without a sense of purpose. It's tough on the soul, the heart, and the head. The weight of the world sits on your shoulders, an...
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God Has a Plan: Trust, Wait, and Believe
Do you believe that God has a plan for you?before we were even born, God already knew how each of our lives would unfold. Every detail, every moment, every joy, and every sorrow was known to Him. Yet, as we navigate through life, it sometimes feels l...
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40 Quotes From "101 Essays That Will Change The Way You Think" By Brianna Wiest.
"101 Essays That Will Change The Way You Think." by Brianna Wiest. This book is full of wisdom and insights that can help us see life from a new perspective. I've picked 40 of my favorite quotes that really stood out to me. I hope these quotes will i...
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6 Habits of Happy People
IntroductionA growing body of research in the relatively new field of positive psychology has identified several habits that many of the happiest people share. These are not destinies but predispositions.Happiness is something we all strive for, yet ...
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8 Ways To Build Self-Discipline
Self-discipline means being able to control yourself. It's about making choices that are good for you, even if they're not the easiest. For example, it's like when you really want to play video games, but you know you should finish you...
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Things That Will F*ck You Up
Life is full of challenges and obstacles that can really mess with your mind and well-being. Some of these things might seem small at first, but over time, they can have a big impact on your life. Here are some of the major things that can f*ck you u...
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Stop Questioning Your Worth
Society has taught us to compete with each other and it has honestly led us to compete with each other because we question our worth. If we all knew our worth, things would be a little better. We all know our worth, we just tend to forget it sometime...
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Stop Comparing Yourself To Others
You can’t live your life this way. It’s exhausting and anxiety ridden.The biggest mistake we make? Comparing what we’re doing right now to what others have already done. So don’t. It’s not fair. It’s not fair to yourself. And in a way, it’s not fair ...
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10 habits that are really tough but totally worth it in the long run.
Are you prepared to move forward in life? It's time to adopt certain difficult habits that, although initially difficult, can result in remarkable changes in your life. We'll look at ten of these habits in this blog and see how they can help you deve...
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Kaizen: The Japanese Secret to Massive Success
Kaizen is a Japanese philosophy that is designed around continuous improvement in life. Kaizen is created to put stress on the need for continuous improvements in daily life, home life, work life, and even social life. Kaizen, when applied to work an...
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Habitica: Your Daily Hero (or Villain?)
Ever heard the saying, "You are what you eat?" Well, there's another kind of saying that goes, "You are what you do." Our habits, the everyday things we do regularly, can have a huge impact on our lives.Think about it. Brushing your teeth twice a day...
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How To Be Your Own Hero
One thing endures throughout life's journey despite all of its ups and downs: our innate ability to be our own heroes. We have chances every day to realize our aspirations, overcome obstacles, and rise to our own greatness. However, how can we embrac...
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