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Symptom tracker graph printable

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Take control of your health by tracking the patterns with this simple, visual symptom tracker.

You are busy and managing pain and fatigue so tracking your symptoms needs to be easy. This tracker helps you do that. Spend more time living and less time tracking.

Track pain, fatigue, and sleep. The big three as far as regular symptom tracking goes. Plot it on the graph so you can get a sense of how the weekly trends are looking.

This instant download comes as a PDF in which you get full-page, two to a page, and four-to-a-page options.

PDFs are created so that you can print directly onto A4 using the "fit" paper option for full size or onto A5 by selecting that paper size and slipping it into your planner.

Print these as many times as you like for personal use only.

Why did I make this?

I'm Melissa and I'm a "fibromyalgia thriver" - I have been managing chronic pain, chronic fatigue, and insomnia for over a decade. I have been actively researching and experimenting on myself for the past several years. This is the template that I created for myself to track my health - I believe that we have the potential to impact our health dramatically and it starts with tracking it. Following the patterns and discerning what works and doesn't work FOR US. Because we are all unique and your doctor can't do all the work because they don't know your experience. This will help you when speaking to your doctor - you don't need to rely on a fogged brain to remember!

To see how and why I recommend tracking your health with a health log, copy this URL into your URL bar

It's my mission to help you fight Fibromyalgia with everything I have learned over the past several years so that you don't have to lose as much time as I did to the pain and fatigue.

For more information see
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