My List of Fibromyalgia Treatments
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This might be my most valuable resource yet - it took over a decade to be able to create it.
Over 40 coping mechanisms to help you fight chronic pain, chronic fatigue, insomnia - symptoms of fibromyalgia and so many other illnesses.
The first page is the things that have helped me the most on my journey from moderate to mild fibromyalgia.. The rest is grouped by category of things that either helped me, have high anecdotal evidence or have some research behind them. The intention is to give you ideas for your own research - check with your medical team and do some Googling.
Download the list and get started in your healing journey today!
Over 40 coping mechanisms to help you fight chronic pain, chronic fatigue, insomnia - symptoms of fibromyalgia and so many other illnesses.
The first page is the things that have helped me the most on my journey from moderate to mild fibromyalgia.. The rest is grouped by category of things that either helped me, have high anecdotal evidence or have some research behind them. The intention is to give you ideas for your own research - check with your medical team and do some Googling.
Download the list and get started in your healing journey today!