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I'm Not Lost. I'm an Explorer: A Guide to Seeing Your Path as a Polymath, Multipotentialite, and Renaissance Soul

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As a multi-passionate polymath, multipotentialite, or renaissance soul, sometimes it feels like you're just doing everything without much to show for it.

And that can be very frustrating.

Others seem like they know where they're going in life, yet here you are, throwing stuff at the wall, and it feels like nothing is sticking or making any sense. This feeling is a clear signal to step back and get a big-picture view of things. As a multipotentialite, I've found that when I look at everything together, I can create a picture of where I'm going.

This book is designed to help multi-passionate people, polymaths, multipotentialites, and wanderers learn how to see their path. Here I share how to:

  • Make sense of your wandering and exploring through a light consideration of the explorer archetype.
  • Focus on what's working for you and let go of what's not.
  • Stop getting caught up in rushing and the internal pressure to create everything.
  • Release some of the emotional baggage surrounding being an explorer.
  • Find some direction as to where you are headed.

Dear Explorer, you are headed somewhere. Sometimes, seeing that is hard because your path isn't linear. But by paying attention to the different cues in your wandering and noticing what's teaching you and coming into your life, you can get a good picture of where you're going, especially when you zero in on the themes within it all.

I hope this book helps you get better at seeing where you're headed as a multipotentialite and that it increases your appreciation for the journey you're currently on.

If you're in need and can't afford a copy of this ebook, please help yourself to a free community copy while supplies last!

Approximate Length: 9,000 words

Whenever you're feeling ready, you may also want to check out my other book: I Want to Do All the Things: Finding Balance as a Polymath, Multipotentialite & Renaissance Soul

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