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NEW: Articles and Quantifiers for IELTS (updated May 2023)


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Fiona Wattam IELTS Teacher

About Me

Hi I'm Fiona, an IELTS coach with over 30 years of teaching experience. 

I can help you

  • feel confident that you fully understand what the test requires
  • stay motivated and make real progress day by day
  • finally get the IELTS score you need.

I started teaching English in France as part of my BA in French and English. After graduating, I went to teach in as many countries as I could, including Japan, France, Poland, Taiwan and Sri Lanka, mostly with the British Council.

I went back to the UK to do a master's in TEFL at Reading University and then trained as an IELTS examiner in 2005. 

After a few years of teaching at a private language school, I set up the Members Academy, which is an online school specialising in IELTS, with the goal of helping more students travel, work and study overseas.

Over 1000 members have successfully completed the 3-months study program and gone on to fulfill their goals.

Contact Me

I'd love to hear from you! Please contact me using this form for any questions or comments.