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The Dorian Improvisation System


Intermediate Guitar Scales Handbook - Exotic Scales Edition


184 Open Chords You Never Knew Existed


Pentatonic Soloing System


Simple Blues Soloing System


No Theory Guitar Soloing


Fourths Tuning Chord, Arpeggio and Scale Reference


8 String Guitar: Scales and Arpeggios


Intermediate Guitar Scales Handbook


Open G Tuning Chord, Arpeggio and Scale Reference


Guitar Hacks: The Pentatonics Handbook


DADGAD Tuning Chord, Arpeggio and Scale Reference


Escalas En Horas


Hacking the CAGED System - Book 2


Guitar Hacks: 3NPS Scales


About Me

Compulsive blogger and eBook writer on all things learning guitar.