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5 Mindful Minutes Group

Five minutes is really all you need for a great Meditation!

Meditate With Jennifer

Our monthly membership helps you enjoy mini meditations throughout your week. You can join in easy to follow mindful practices, effective mini meditations and deep breathing techniques to help you feel calmer and more composed.

New Meditations are added every Monday and Friday, with reminder messages to help you stay on track as you align with regular self care practices.

Our guided Meditations are all approximately five minutes, so you can enjoy them wherever you are and feel more rested and refreshed - and not worry about having to set lots of time aside just for you.

What's Included?

Woman with headphones, on park bench in Autumn


Every week two new guided meditations hosted by Jennifer are included, and can be enjoyed at a time that suits you.

These mindful moments are ideal for lowering stress levels when you only have a few minutes to spare.

woman sitting on floor with mobile phone relaxed

Unlimited Access

Mindful Membership means you have access to to the full content library of five minute Meditations, as well as the new content added each week.

There is a growing wealth of Meditations to choose from, whether you practice every single day, once a week or even once a month.

2 people deep breathing hands with hands on core muscles

Community & Accountability

Our optional Facebook community group exclusively for members is a safe space to ask questions, share insights and keep up to date with weekly Meditations and reminders.

Many of our members struggle to stay consistent, and to be held accountable, and having a group of like minded Meditators allows you a support system for continuing your self care.

Live Monthly Calls

Join Jennifer's monthly live meditation session for 20-30 minutes of peaceful meditation, tips, and techniques. 

Sessions are tailored to members' needs and all live sessions are recorded. Members can send messages ahead of time to be incorporated into the session's affirmations and themes.

There is no better time to start than now!

You will never find the time to Meditate, you need to make the time you deserve for your own mental, emotional and physical wellbeing.

For those ready to enjoy 2024 feeling more relaxed, more capable, more focused and energised, join the membership as a founding member at only £10 per month.

5 Mindful Minutes - Member

per month

Still wondering if this membership is for you?

For those apprehensive about Meditating, trust me, you're not alone! I spent most of my first ever class (over 10 years ago) with one eye open, checking everyone really was just sitting breathing - and I remember how nerve wracking it can be to start something new!

The good news is, Meditating can be easy - and relaxing! There is no need for prior experience, and you don't need to be a calm person to begin practicing or joining in.

Many people worry they will be asked to 'clear their mind' which can seem impossible!

And I would agree that it's very tricky, and also unnecessary. That's why our guided sessions are designed to make Meditating easy to relax in, so you can focus your mind in positive ways.

Who should join?

  • Our mindful membership is designed for individuals ready to improve their mental, emotional, and physical health. 

  • Those eager to feel more relaxed and grounded but need more guidance and support.

  • Individuals who want to reduce their stress levels but have a hard time relaxing, and may have high levels of mental, emotional, or physical strain due to lots of demands and pressure on them.

  • Membership is for those who find it difficult to maintain regular self-care or meditation practices, and need a little nudge to keep going!

Woman meditating with green blanket over her knees

Can Five Minutes Make A Difference?

It may seem a small amount of time to truly relax, but just five minutes of deep breathing has been shown to reduce stress and cortisol levels and improve your focus and concentration during your day. 

More than that, just five minutes of Meditation can improve your mood, your quality of sleep, your memory and your body's oxygen levels which helps you feel invigorated and energised when you need it most.

Woman deep breathing at desk, with computer

What Equipment Do I Need?

The good news is there is no equipment you need to join in, other than a device such as a mobile, tablet or laptop for our guided Meditations. 

So there is no need for candles, background music or a yoga mat - and most of our members practice their Meditations from their sofas, armchairs, sitting by their office desks, or their parked car on their lunch break.

Because our five minute mini Meditations are designed to be quick and effective you don't need to set aside a massive amount of time or clear a huge space, you can simply practice in small moments that suit you.

You can never fall behind, because each Meditation is designed to be enjoyed as an individual mindful moment.

Direct Debit Safety

Your direct debit details are safe because Payhip is secure and do not hold your card details.

All payments are handled by Paypal or Stripe.

You may prefer to create your payhip account before signing up and adding a payment method, but can also create an account when joining our membership.

Direct debits are taken on the same date of the month you signed up from, and can be cancelled with ease at any time.

Ready To Join In?

There is no better time to begin than now, with our selection of mini meditations.

With just a few clicks and some mindful minutes joining in, you can enjoy feeling physically and mentally refreshed.

Start now and become part of our 5 Mindful Minutes Group.

5 Mindful Minutes - Member

per month