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πŸ₯‹πŸŒŸ Welcome to Empower Online - An online community focused on fitness, self development, health and of course, martial arts! πŸ₯‹πŸŒŸ

Want to experience new martial arts training?

Want to get fitter and healthier from your home?

Want to learn new skills and develop yourself in new areas?

Want to feel part of a supportive, engaged and like-minded community?

Then Empower Online is for you!

πŸ₯Š What is Empower Online and who am I? πŸ₯Š

Empower Online had it's inception in the crazy years of 2020 and 2021 where our world in many ways, moved online!

My physical martial arts academy moved online in a matter of days and before I knew it I was running our full timetable online via Zoom, plus additional fitness classes during the day!

I was always of the mind that martial arts and fitness HAD to be done in the presence of a qualified instructor in a dojo, academy or gym. How could the intricacies of martial arts be transmitted via a screen?!

I had been training in martial arts for over 20 years at that time and have travelled the world expanding my knowledge, at the expense of my wallet and also my joints!

Yet here we were, forced to move online and sink or swim! I didn't know what would happen...

To my surprise however, my students not only retained their skills and fitness levels, they even grew them during our period online. Parents joined in with kids for their martial arts sessions, families worked out together and our community thrived. We were closer than ever before!

When we were eventually able to open up again, we had not only retained the majority of our students, but we had even gained a few who had only ever seen us online!

This led me to rethink my opinions of online training and I went down the rabbit whole of online learning!

I experienced training with top class martial artists all over the world and experienced new arts. I invested in my time and energy and took online courses on finance, business and personal development.

I was determined to come out of lockdown stronger, fitter, and more knowledgeable.

It's now two years later and I have a successful full time academy with over 150 students, have written two books on martial arts and have been promoted to instructor in a number of different systems.

Empower Online is for those wanting to learn some new skills, develop their existing ones and most importantly, join an engaged, supportive and like-minded community with a common goal.

To better themselves through health, fitness, martial arts and personal development.

We'll be releasing a number of courses in time, from sparring basics, to self defence foundations, to breathwork, mental wellbeing and much much more.

Our online community group will offer support, guidance and advice from a number of experts in a number of different field which will continue to grow as we bring more more into our Empower Community.

Welcome to the start of something very cool!

What are the benefits?

πŸ₯‹ Movement

Our platform offers a diverse range of martial arts styles, each designed to enhance your physical prowess and get you moving!

Grab a cognitive workout with a double stick session, relax and breath with some yoga, or get a sweat on with a HIIT session designed to get your heart rate up!

🧘 Holistic Wellness

We're not just about physical training; we're about holistic wellness. Explore guided meditation, and wellness practices that align your body and mind for optimal balance.

We've got experts in breath work, cold immersion, and mental wellbeing as part of our Empower Online Community and know how important these areas are!

πŸ’ͺ Strength of Community:

Our biggest goal for this project! Connect with like-minded individuals who share your passion for martial arts and well-being.

Our community is here to cheer you on, share insights, and make you feel right at home.

πŸ€Έβ€β™€οΈ Flexible Learning

Life can be a bit unpredictable, so we offer courses that fit your schedule. No need to stress about missing a session – it's all here when you're ready.

We'll be offering courses, live online workshops and recorded webinars so whatever your goal - we've got you covered.

πŸŽ‰ Meaningful Progress

We celebrate every step of your journey, from your first punch to your most zen moment. Progress is about joy and growth, and we're here to help you embrace both.

We have students who have never trained in anything before, to black belts in multiple arts just enjoying learning something new and moving!

πŸ–₯️ Learning from home

As our platform grows we'll be constantly expanding our courses for you to look at. From martial arts, to entrepreneurialism, to wellness and health. There will be plenty to get your teeth stuck in to at Empower Online!

Webinars | Online Courses | Free sessions LIVE!

What people are saying

"Showcase your happy customers by adding their testimonials and reviews"

β€” John Doe

"Showcase your happy customers by adding their testimonials and reviews"

β€” John Doe

"Showcase your happy customers by adding their testimonials and reviews"

β€” John Doe