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Sunday Night Stress Release Live Class - April 2023

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You can enjoy listening along to our deep relaxation from April 2023, which helps you relax physically, mentally and emotionally.

This recording of our live class guides you step by step into deeper relaxation using muscle relaxation, especially helpful for those who tend to hold worries and frustrations as a physical tension. Following with lots of guided instruction to help your mind drift into a deeper place of peace, so you can feel more refreshed and rested.

As always, never listen to this or any relaxation track whilst driving or operating machinery, and only when you are somewhere safe, warm and unlikely to be disturbed. You can enjoy this seated or lying down, but always make sure you are warm enough as the body has a tendency to cool when relaxing.

I really hope you enjoy it, 

Love & Light Jennifer x

You will get a MP3 (48MB) file