About Digital Padesky
The people behind the Digital Padesky Store are Christine A. Padesky, PhD and Kathleen A. Mooney, PhD.
In April 1983, we developed and founded The Center for Cognitive Therapy after Dr. Aaron T. Beck, MD (the founder of cognitive therapy) asked us to open a therapy and training center in Southern California. The Center was in Newport Beach from 1983-2000. In November 2000, we relocated to Huntington Beach.
In the summer of 1989, we began producing audio cassette and VHS videotape materials exclusively for mental health professionals and graduate students in mental health fields. Products were sold at workshops and through mail / fax orders. In April 2007 we issued audio CDs and video DVDs and on November 11, 2007, we launched an online store: Cognitive Therapy Training on Disc.
Beginning in October 2020, all of our Cognitive Therapy Training products have been converted to digital versions and offered for easy download and rental on our Digital Padesky Store site in the form of MP3 audios and MP4 videos.