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Are you ready to walk into the weights room like you own it?

Hi everyone, I'm Laura Bax - a qualified personal trainer, regional calisthenics champion and novice figure athlete.

Most importantly though, I'm here to help you uncover your inner confidence, realise your full potential and start living the life you've been dreaming of.

Shop my ebook and training plans below and don't forget to download my FREE starter pack and begin the journey to your strongest, most empowered self TODAY

Free Starter Pack


Walk into the Weights Room Like You Own it - epub version


Walk into the Weights Room Like You Own it - Kindle edition


Intro to Strength 8 Week Plan


Beginner 8 Week Training Plan


4 Days for 4 Weeks Workout Plan


3 Days for 4 Weeks Workout Plan


Progress Log *free download*


2024 Goal Setter


4 Week Personalised Training Plan

La Reina del Gym


Pack Motivacional Gratuito


Rastreador de Progreso *Gratuito*


What people are saying

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I love "Walk into the weights room like you own it." As a trainer I know how hard it is to take that first step, especially as a woman. This book is clear, concise and has awesome tips to make you feel comfortable from day one. I highly recommend to anyone wanting to get started with strength training!

— Joanne, USA

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I love that this book is short, sweet and to the point. But that’s not all, it’s packed with tons of useful hints and tips, even including a little workout plan! A passion flows from this book, spoken like an true expert and full of motivation!

— Lydia, UK

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The book has a really authentic voice, you can tell that the author is speaking from deep personal experience, and knowledge in a way that inspires you to also overcome gym-timidation.

— Adam, UK

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 The friendly, super-positive and excited voice it's written in, it really makes you want to get up and workout.

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Clear, concise and lots of good information.

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I think I was really impressed by the writing style

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From a non native english speaker perspective, the book has an easy reading and understanding.

Its good division in specific sections, made easy to find themes and topics if someone'd like to read again a precise topic.

Very useful all the tip section.

— Vittoria, Italy

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Based on true and affordable tips, not just on fake hyping words

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It's a motivational book based on good advices and on real life things, not just on mainstream sentences.

Professional and funny, perfect balance.

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About Me

I love the empowerment that lifting weights has brought me and I want to share that with YOU!

As a woman who has overcome her crippling shyness and go onto practice bodybuilding and powerlifting all over the world I'm now here to help you do the same.

(Don't worry, you don't have to move to Peru like I did to get the same results!)

WALK INTO THE WEIGHTS ROOM LIKE YOU OWN IT is the ebook that will help you beat your gym-intimidation, get you motivated to walk up to that barbell and teach you how to start working out.

If you're looking for a personalised training program tailored to your needs, please reach out to me at and I will happily get you started TODAY

There's no stopping you now 💪