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what you understand, you can change...

A collection of free audio downloads for your health & wellness... physical, mental, emotional & spiritual, all is addressed.

Blog Posts

Pure Evil
What too many are ready and willing to do for money, is pure evil.It is beyond insane but clearly explains the state of the world we live in. Too many have a prostitute mentality, ready to do anything for money. And of course I am not just ...
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Light on Witchcraft
You might want to read the Drop Envy & Jealousy post to get a deeper understanding, although it might not be necessary.Yet, it explains why jealousy should be a crime, especially when it is accompanied by witchcraft.However, although it is rampan...
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Sine Qua Non... You
Sine qua non is a Latin phrase that means "Without which, not". It is used to describe something absolutely indispensable or essential for a certain outcome or result.The prerequisite to you and your life is that you love and trust yourself a...
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LOVE U more than money
Self-love is the cure, the key & the secretLove yourself, because self-love is the only way.Self-love is a must to not just survive and thrive in this reality, but to remain balanced and saine.If you’ve been walking on this earth for some time, y...
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Be Inviolable & Have Integrity
What It Means?Inviolable is a formal term that is used to describe something too important to be ignored or treated with disrespect. Consider yourself a person with inviolable moral standards. To have high moral standards works wonders + it keep...
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Drop Envy & Jealousy
Jealousy has to be one of the worst poison and fastest path to self-destruct.Where does it stem from? How can it be released? Why are so many affected by it?And why is it such a huge problem?So yes let’s talk about jealousy and envy, a terrible affli...
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Set Yourself Free: Heal
" Transformation is my favourite game and in my experience anger and frustration are the result of you not being authentic somewhere in your life or with someone in your life.Being fake about anything creates a block inside of you. Life can'...
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The time is now, wake up!
Every action has a reaction.Law of cause & effect.What goes around comes around.You reap what you saw.What's done to one influence the whole.Input determines output.Truth sets us free.Peace inside = peace outside = peace in the world...
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INNATE™ | 1 : 1

The Heart Reset™ | Innate 1

Get Your Real Power Back™ | Innate 2

The Innate Playbook


Reclaiming Your Heart


Establishing Your Tune-In Routine


Decide What You Choose To Feel


Reconnecting Heart, Mind & Body


Making It Real | Dreams & Intentions


Want More Freedom?


To Survive & Thrive


Reclaim Yourself | 3 Direct Steps


Say No To Regrets


Operating From The Heart


Why No More Kundalini Yoga?


Mixed, black & white, African & French.

In the game for over half a century, beginning in France, on my own since 18, sent to London pushed into a new simulation. Played the survival game, adapted, learned, experienced and studied there 18 years.

Next level up, with more sunshine, in nature next simulation the move to Jamaica in 2008.

Creating Oneness Wellness Farm, more reality learning, understanding, witnessing, healing and thriving.

Closed since 2020, due to the genocide, born autotelic, lovingly and peacefully mastering myself & the game.

It's now all online, drop fear, lack, virus & parasites. Going for mastery of self: self-love, emotional balance, inner resilience & good health... that's how we checkmate.

Author of NOT FOR SALE, CAN'T BE BOUGHT | Founder of Oneness Wellness Farm (Jamaica) | Creator of The Heart Reset™& Get Your Real Power Back™ both available online.

Create the freest and best life you can imagine for yourself, and that regardless of what is going on in the outside world, the government or other psychopaths who think they are running the show... there are not, never were, just conditioned you to believe them and not believe in yourself. 

INNATE puts an end to that, showing you it is an inside job, and how your intention, your heart & your energy create the path.

Health, Strength & Love for Self